Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 6

Yeah I know I missed a couple of days. Nothing like a crazy schedule to get you off of Blogging for a few days. It was good though seems like evryone has their opinion on the iPad, some call it a larger version of the iPod Touch and others say it is the best thing since sliced bread. I happen to think that it is a great piece of hardware to keep me up
late at night while my wife tries to sleep next to me. It is better thank a clacking keyboard and it is definitely way more functional than a kindle or whatever Barnes & Noble calls theirs.

So between yesterday and today I have found a few helpful apps out there. The first is called "Popplet Lite". I actually used it today to pitch to a Japanese company why we should be the best choice to help them set up their US distribution for their products. I can gaurantee that no one else is going to pitch from an iPad in this industry. I was able to show this gentleman the many facets of the US marketplace for his products. Rather than telling him that my company fully understands the players in the industry i was able to show him and allow on the fly manipulation of the data. I can now get rid of my grease boars that I have so feverishly been clinging to.

The other app is Cisco's WebEx. Great app, wish that you could actually set up meetings and host Hem from the iPad, but I am sure that is coming down the line somewhere. It is a good dayp when you can schedule meetings with clients on the road and still attend the webinar on market analysis or a demo that another customer is going through. I can now be in two places at once.

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