Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 2

WOW what an amazing 48 hours it has been. Both bad and good. Some of the bad has led me into good, for instance printing. We never know how much paper we need to print or why we print things until it is not available to us. However, when the functionality is not there it causes us to really rethink why we print so many documents. I have been duplicating work for quite a few years in fear that if my system crashed I would have a paper trail to help me rebuild. What a crock of crap that is. I have wasted more time by duplicating work than I ever would have lost if something actually did happen. Lesson learned, put the proper measures in place and stop living in fear.

The good, being productive at nearly every part of my day and in every function of my life. My wife and I were going over our plans this evening and by having one source to look at and not having to wait for a booting PC, I was as capable and ready to give her my schedule as I was when I was on the Covey system. I am really trying to modernize her scheduling capabilities, but at this point she cannot just use one device for all of her communication and scheduling needs.

One item that I have really been struggling with is not being able to attach documents to email. I have to say that this downright sucks. There are tons of documents that I normally send each day and getting around this has been more work than I like. I still have not found the perfect solution. Maybe if anyone is actually reading this they can help me out.

Currently I have to either forward the information that someone has sent me (which is a bad idea) or I have to send it from a Gmail, Yahoo, or Mobile Me account. I really don't like this option either, because I think that it is poor marketing practice and bad for your customer to get multiple emails from you on different accounts. Anyway, this has to change. Ik would gladly give up some of the space for movies, music, or photos to have some accessibility to documents.

All in all I am liking this new found friend of effectiveness and look forward to talking my accounting software tomorrow!


  1. Hey buddy.. You might want to check this review out..

  2. btw.. that post was from me, Benny.

  3. Also, you can "share" pictures between iPhone and iPad by "BUMP"ing. This app is FREE. Just download and run app on both devices. Another thing we found that can be done for FREE, instead of paying for an app. Benny.
